
Crystal R. Bishop


Jordan McNamara

Director of Chapters

Maude Carroll

Assistant Director of Digital Engagement

Nathan Clark

Chief Financial Officer

Thea Cohen

Director of Strategic Engagement

Christopher Wright Durocher

Vice President of Policy and Program

Ashley Erickson

Senior Director of Network Advancement

Russ Feingold


Kennedy Freeman

Network Advancement Associate

Carlye Gibson Rooney

Senior Director of Development

Zachary Gima

Vice President of Strategic Engagement

Jordan Guillen

Chapters Associate

Mary Irvine

Chief of Staff

Lindsay Langholz

Senior Director of Policy and Program

Taonga Leslie

Director of Policy and Program for Racial Justice

Peggy Li

Senior Director of Chapters

Sylvester Lindsay

Director of Information Technology

Kendra McCormick

Director of Finance

Nancy Mitchell

Director of Donor Relations

Hannah Myerson

Strategic Engagement Associate

Valerie M. Nannery

Senior Director of Policy and Program

Zinelle October

Executive Vice President

Meghan Paulas

Vice President of Network Advancement

Nancy Rodriguez

Director of Communications

Miles Royce

Digital Media Associate

Janeen Scott

Executive Assistant

Monique Smith

Database Associate

Morgan Washburn

HR Director

Robert Williams

Associate Director of Chapters

Tom Wright

Director of Strategic Engagement