May 22, 2024

ACS Applauds 200th Confirmed Federal Judge

Contact: Nancy Rodriguez,

Washington, DC — The Senate confirmed Angela Martinez to the District of Arizona today, representing President Biden’s 200th confirmed federal judge.

“President Biden and the Senate continue to show their strong commitment to our federal courts by nominating and confirming diverse, qualified candidates,” said ACS President Russ Feingold. “While this is a significant milestone, we urge the President and the Senate not to stop here. It is critical that we continue to fill judicial vacancies in the coming months and not waste the opportunity to reclaim our courts from the Right’s ideologue judges. There is runway in 2024 to surpass the previous administrations 234 federal judges and ensure more of our courts are presided over by judges who are committed to the rule of law and upholding our fundamental rights.”

“The opportunity is now to reshape upwards of a third of the federal judiciary,” said ACS Executive Vice President Zinelle October. “There are still 69 current and known future vacancies on the federal courts. There are 24 announced nominees, which if approved, still leave us short of meeting the previous administration’s judicial nominations. It won’t be easy but we know the commitment is there to rebalance our courts and restore credibility to our judiciary.”

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The American Constitution Society is a 501(c)3 non-profit, non-partisan legal organization. Through a diverse nationwide network of progressive lawyers, law students, judges, scholars, advocates, and many others, our mission is to support and advocate for laws and legal systems that redress the founding failures of our Constitution, strengthen our democratic legitimacy, uphold the rule of law, and realize the promise of equality for all, including people of color, women, LGBTQ+ people, people with disabilities, and other historically excluded communities. For more information, visit us at