March 18, 2022
Help Preserve Democracy. Take the Poll Worker Pledge!
Past ACS President

We are confronting democracy’s moment of truth at home and abroad. Every time I talk about the rising threats to our democracy here at home, ACS members ask what they can do to help. This is what I love about our network. We are not interested in being bystanders. We want to be on the frontlines of safeguarding democracy, election security, and the rule of law.
One of the most impactful ways that you can support democracy this year is by serving as a poll worker during your state’s elections. Poll workers are essential to the functioning of our elections. In recent years, many states and localities have struggled with a shortage of poll workers, which has resulted in long lines at polling places and even in the closure of some polling places.
Since the 2020 election, we’ve seen waves of election administrators and poll workers resign or retire from public service. This trend is deeply concerning in its own right and is all the more so when coupled with the concerted effort by members of the Right to pack election administration offices with proponents of the “Big Lie.”
This is why ACS is stepping up to recruit poll workers this election cycle. You can join this effort today by taking our pledge to become a poll worker.
The responsibilities of poll workers can differ depending on the state and locality, but generally include answering voter questions, setting up polling places, verifying voter registration, and helping issue ballots. You do not need to be a voting rights expert to be a poll worker. Your state or locality will provide you all the information you need.
Put simply, states with in-person voting options need polling places to be open and fully staffed so that eligible voters can efficiently exercise their right to vote. And polling places need poll workers to operate.
While mid-term elections are not until November, primary season is already underway. States need poll workers as much for primary elections as they do in November. So sign up today!