2011 ACS Convention Public Interest Fellowships
ACS will again be providing a limited number of Public Interest Fellowships for this year's ACS National Convention. Fellowship recipients must be lawyers in practice for 5 years or less (graduation year 2006 or later) and must work in government or public interest. Fellowship recipients will receive convention registration, lodging and a stipend for travel. You must be a current dues-paying member of ACS to be eligible for this fellowship. Click here to join.
The ACS National Convention provides unparalleled networking opportunities for progressive lawyers. There will again be dedicated networking time following each panel discussion and fellowship recipients will be able to meet leaders from their respective practice areas, as well as leaders from their geographic area.
In order to strengthen ties between fellowship recipients and ACS and engage them in the work of the organization, we require that Fellowship recipients join ACS and do at least 2 of the following:
- Speak to a student chapter
- Write an ACSblog post
- Recruit 5 new paid members at any level
- Volunteer for Constitution in the Classroom
- Organize a lawyer chapter event
- Mentor a student, young lawyer or pre-law staffer
- Host a mentorship dinner during Convention
- Host an out-of-town student during Convention
To apply, please click 2011 Fellowship Application and complete the simple online application. Applications must be received by April 29, 2011.
Please share this information with public interest attorneys who may be interested in this opportunity.