August 31, 2020

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm, Eastern Time

Victories Won and Battles to Come: The State of Civil Rights Today

The history of our Constitution has always involved people fighting against the original sin of exclusion. As our society has progressed, steps have been taken to correct these original wrongs. Nevertheless, it is important we recognize there is still work to be done. In accordance with our understanding of this, this event will host panel, which will help to spread awareness of the challenges still present, and to inspire others to help further the goal of equality. It is our goal that following this panel we can truly live under the protection and doctrines written within our Constitution, that we recognize, “that all people are created equal” and should be treated as such.

This discussion will feature panelists Athena Mutua, Heather Abraham, and Elizabeth Fox-Solomon. This event will be moderated by ACS Chapter Vice President, Nicholas Ramirez.

Format: Online & Dial-in (Zoom Conference)

To register for this event please click here to be directed to the registration page.