April 9, 2021
Equity in Action - Acknowledging the Past, Assessing the System, and Fighting for a "Just" Future
The Chicago-Kent law ACLU, ACS, BLSA, Criminal Law Society, DALSA, HLLSA, Lambdas, MLSA, NLG, REAA, and SBA Student Chapters and the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion will host a live viewing of the Just Mercy film and a virtual panel discussion. Panelists will include a range of local leaders who can speak to the history of the criminal legal system, recent reforms and advocacy, and the on-going struggles ahead.
Featured Speakers:
- Illinois State Senator Robert Peters
- Cook County Public Defender Sharone Mitchell
- Kendra Spearman '16 of Spearman Law and Executive Director at The Justice Renewal Initiative, Inc.
- Xavier McElrath-Bey, Co-Executive Director at the Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth
- Dominique Gilliard, Director of Racial Righteousness and Reconciliation for Love Mercy - Do Justice at the Evangelical Covenant Church, author of Rethinking Incarceration
Hosted By: Chicago-Kent College of Law