September 20, 2024

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm, Pacific Time

ACS Oregon: Contours and Complexities of Free Speech Rights on Campus

Pacific Northwest College of Art, Schnitzer Center, Portland, OR

Please join the ACS Oregon Lawyer Chapter for a event exploring the issue of the First Amendment and free speech on college campuses with local professors of constitutional law.


Steven K. Green, Fred H. Paulus Professor of Law, Willamette University College of Law. Steven K. Green is the Fred H. Paulus Professor of Law and Affiliated Professor of History and Religious Studies at Willamette University where he teaches courses in Constitutional Law, First Amendment, Legal History, Jurisprudence, and Education Law in the College of Law, and Legal History and American Religious History in the College of Arts & Sciences. He is the author of seven books on church-state relations in the United States, the most recent being The Grand Collaboration: Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and the Invention of American Religious Freedom, published by University of Virginia Press, and more than 50 scholarly articles. His current book project is titled: Infidel(ity): The Gilded Age Battle Over Freethought, Free Love, and Feminism.

Green has also participated as co-counsel in three cases at the US Supreme Court and has additionally collaborated on more than 25 amicus curiae (friend of the court) briefs at the Court. He has a Ph.D. in History from the University of North Carolina and a J.D. from the University of Texas.

David H. Schraub, Associate Professor of Law, Lewis and Clark Law School. David Schraub is an Associate Professor of Law at Lewis & Clark Law School, where he teaches and writes on constitutional law and anti-discrimination law. His publications have appeared in the New York University Law Review, the California Law Review, and the American Political Science Review, among other locations, and his most recent article, "They Managed a Protest: Prohibitory, Ethical, and Prudential Policing of Academic Speech," is forthcoming in the Brigham Young University Law Review. David also is a regular writer in the popular press on matters of contemporary discrimination and especially modern antisemitism, with bylines in Atlantic, Haaretz, and the Jewish Daily Forward. He holds a BA from Carleton College, a JD from the University of Chicago Law School, and a PhD in Political Science from the University of California, Berkeley.

Moderated by:

Robin Maril, Assistant Professor of Law, Willamette University College of Law. Professor Maril teaches Constitutional Law and joined the Willamette faculty from the Human Rights Campaign, where she served as the associate legal director for the past five years. Her work at the HRC focused on federal programs, administrative policies and legislation that impacted the LGBTQIA community. Her scholarship primarily focuses on nondiscrimination protections and religious freedom.