Michigan Chapter

ACS is the nation’s largest progressive legal network. We strive to ensure that the Constitution and the law work for all people by empowering leaders and informing discourse. The ACS Michigan Chapter hosts events on the local and national impact of the courts and the Constitution.

Board of Directors

David Deeg

Aghogho Edevbie - Diversity and Inclusion Chair

Michael Elkins

Nathan Fink - Immediate Past President, Executive Committee Member

Mary Ellen Gurewitz

Paulina Kennedy - Board Member

Hailey Kimball-Dexter - Programming Director

Gary Maveal

Matthew Monahan - President, Executive Committee Member

Jeffrey Raphelson - Executive Committee Member

Hussein Saad

Vincent Sallan

Katelyn Schaffer

Leslie Scott

Erica Shell - Secretary, Executive Committee Member

Josh Zeman

Board of Advisors

Hon. David Allen

Jelani Jefferson Exum

Barbara McQuade

Valerie Newman