July 23, 2009

Private: Georgetown Law Prof. Heinzerling to Head EPA Policy Office

EPA, Lisa Heinzerling


Georgetown University law professor Lisa Heinzerling has been selected as the Associate Administrator for the Office of Policy, Economics, and Innovation (OPEI). Heinzerling, who served on the Obama-Biden EPA transition team and also recently as a climate adviser in the Environmental Protection Agency, wrote about some of the issues she will likely now be dealing with in a symposium for the Harvard Law & Policy Review, the official journal of ACS. The symposium, called "Progressive Law & Economics," includes a dialogue with Harvard Law Professor Cass Sunstein, who has been nominated to head the Obama administration's Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs Administration (OIRA). Sunstein's nomination to the post has recently been held up by Sen. John Cornyn.

H/T: The Volokh Conspiracy.


Environmental Protection