June 26, 2009

Private: ACS09: The One and Only Pam Karlan

Pamela Karlan

6.26.09 Blog - PKarlan.JPG

Pam Karlan, Stanford Law professor and co-author of Keeping Faith with the Constitution, concluded the 2009 ACS Convention with a stirring speech.

"The reason that our Constitution is worth keeping faith with is not simply the genius of 55 men who met in Philadelphia in 1787. Rather, it's the way that generation after generation of Americans have made the Constitution ours," Karlan proclaimed during one of the more poignant and less riotous portions of her address. "Time and again, as Justice Holmes urged, we have interpreted the Constitution in light of what this country has become."

View video of Prof. Karlan's speech here (beginning at the 4:00 mark.)