Volunteer with Our Coalition Partners

More Opportunities to Volunteer

Join If/When/How’s Reproductive Justice Lawyers Network

If/When/How has created a Reproductive Justice Lawyers Network to bring together a powerful, nationwide group of legal professionals who want to mobilize for reproductive justice. The network will fight together, learn together, and advocate for reproductive justice together. When you become a member, you’ll gain access to a variety of skill-building workshops, continuing education credits, exclusive networking events, and volunteer opportunities. Wherever you are in your career, whatever your skillset, and wherever you live, there’s a place for you in this work. You can learn more and become a member here.

Volunteers Needed to Help with Afghan Immigration Cases: Pro bono attorneys are needed to help Afghans with their SIV, P-2, and humanitarian parole cases. Volunteers are needed who can provide general guidance, are willing to look over forms to be submitted to USCIS but not represent applicants, and those willing to represent Afghan applicants on a pro bono basis. If you are interested please reach out to LCEmails@acslaw.org.

Help with the COVID-19 Eviction Crisis: Pro bono attorneys are urgently needed to help with COVID-related eviction cases across the country. Local legal aid organizations have varying needs and offer support, training, and supervision of pro bono cases. Email LCEmails@acslaw.org to find out more about opportunities available in your area.

Remote Pro Bono Border Help Needed for Immigration Cases: Al Otro Lado serves indigent deportees, migrants, and refugees in Tijuana, Mexico by providing legal services. They are in need of lawyer and law student volunteers to remotely help this vulnerable population. If you are interested in volunteering please sign up here, and email LCEmails@acslaw.org to let us know you volunteered.

Volunteers Needed for Voting and Election Projects: Join ACS and our coalition partners in tracking current updates on voting and election administration issues. Both lawyer and law student volunteers are needed to research ongoing changes on a state and local level. Volunteers are needed to help through November and also on shorter-term projects. If you are interested in getting involved, please fill out our volunteer form here or reach out to LCEmails@acslaw.org for more details.

Amicus Briefs: Experienced lawyers and law firms are needed to write amicus briefs for various progressive lawsuits. Please email LCEmails@acslaw.org with the subject line "Amicus Briefs" to be put on a list for future projects.


If you know of a volunteer opportunity that should be highlighted here, please reach out to LCEmails@acslaw.org and let us know how we can help!