March 23, 2023

On The Bench: Week March 23, 2023

With several absences in the Democratic Caucus, the Senate made little progress on judicial nominations this week. As of this writing, Magistrate Judge Gordon Gallagher (D. Colo.) has been the only confirmation of the week. He was confirmed in a 53-43 vote. This leaves 19 nominees pending on the Senate floor, awaiting cloture and confirmation votes.

The Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing this week. The hearing featured 2 Article III nominees: Judge Amanda Brailsford (D. Idaho) and Magistrate Judge Kato Crews (D. Colo.). Both nominees are eligible for a committee vote.

Earlier this week, the White House announced the latest slate of judicial nominees. The slate featured 4 Article III nominees: Jeremy Daniel (N.D. Ill.), Magistrate Judge Brendan Hurson (D. Md.), Magistrate Judge Matthew Maddox (D. Md.), and Darrel Papillion (E.D. La.).

As of March 23, there are 100 Article III vacancies, 73 of which are current. There are 37 pending nominees: 19 waiting for floor votes, 12 waiting to be reported out of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and 6 waiting for hearings before the Committee. To date, 118 Article III judges have been confirmed during the Biden-Harris Administration.