February 13, 2023

New York Law School

The New York Law School ACS Chapter is thrilled to be recognized as Student Chapter of the Week!

The NYLS ACS chapter kicked off the fall term with their school’s first organization fair in person since COVID. Their president was also honored to speak on a student/faculty Constitution Day panel regarding the state of American Democracy. They had the privilege of bringing a wide variety of speakers to foster discussions among students and faculty. At their first general body meeting of the year, they discussed ACS National’s annual SCOTUS term preview. They kept the energy going by co-sponsoring an event on the future of reproductive rights in America and bringing in a legal fellow from the Center for Reproductive Rights.

They facilitated a fireside chat with Brian Ginsburg, a former New York Assistant Solicitor General, and a discussion with the NYLS Jewish Law Students Association titled “Hate Speech: Why What Hurts Some Hurts Us All.” They co-hosted a screening of “Vote NO!” a one-man play about the Constitution’s ratification, with writer and NYLS Professor Emeritus Robert Blecker. They also ran an exclusive screening and talk for Meltdown: Three Mile Island with one of their adjunct faculty, who led the litigation efforts to keep the nuclear facility shut after the infamous 1979 meltdown. The fall semester ended with a discussion on gun control with fellows from Everytown for Gun Safety.

Additionally, the chapter was excited to spend election day at a watch party with other New York City ACS law students sponsored by the ACS NYC Lawyer Chapter. As NYLS looks toward the spring semester, the chapter hopes to continue fostering a close relationship with other local chapters and coming together to facilitate discussions about progressive public policies.

They would like to thank faculty advisor Doni Gewirtzman for his support!

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