March 10, 2020

4:30 pm - 6:00 pm, Eastern Time

*CANCELED* Dinner Table Discussion: Progressivism & Religion

Kimmel Center, NYU

This event has been canceled.


Are faith and progressivism still compatible? Churches, synagogues, and mosques have long been a pillar or progressive organizing and action, but an increasingly secular progressive movement and a dominant religious Right have driven a wedge in the movement. Join ACS to discuss the path forward for progressive people of faith, how the progressive movement can blunt the Right's advantage in religious organizing, and whether the struggle for justice for all can be reconciled with the values of America's faith traditions. 

The ACS Dinner Table Discussion series aims to provide a space for progressive students to grapple with issues that divide the movement, both in its goals and practices. These discussions will be intimate and feature a faculty moderator with an interest and experience in the discussion's topic. Food is provided.