October 29, 2019
12:45 pm - 1:55 pm, Eastern Time
ACS Lunch Table Discussion: Building a Progressive Immigration System
Progressives know that the current immigration system, and the Trump administration's abuses of that system are unjust. But what do progressives believe should replace the current, broken system? Join ACS, Prof. Adam Cox, and your fellow students to discuss how to build an immigration system that respects human rights and advances the national interest.
RSVP required: https://forms.gle/FrTvL3NGVWRmGwE46 Please note that space is limited at this event. RSVP is required. Students who are selected to attend the discussion will be notified one week in advance, and will be sent materials selected by Prof. Cox to facilitate the discussion.
The ACS Lunch/Dinner Table Discussion series aims to provide a space for progressive students to grapple with issues that divide the movement, both in its its goals and practices. These discussion will be intimate and feature a faculty moderator with an interest and experience in the discussion's topic.
This event is not open to the public.